
"One day you feel quite stable
The next you're comin' off the wall
But I think you should warn me
If you start heading for a fall"

I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about Saga. The band was much more popular in Europe than North America. They were from Toronto, Canada and sold over 10 million records with 31 available albums. Michael Sadler sings lead vocals on hits like Wind Him Up, On The Loose and The Flyer. Everyone says the Worlds Apart album is good from beginning to end. If someone would like to add to this it would be great.

Saga Canada rock group

"No one can stop you now
Tonight you're on the loose
No one to tell you how
Tonight you're on the loose"

To be completed later. Many of the other artists are completed.

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Over the years many great music artists have come from Canada. A country with a small population has produced a surprising amount of talent. To find out how Canada rocks read the blogs, get the music and go to a show.